✨ Turn Your Signature Offer into Profit Gold ✨

Want to amplify the profitability of your offer?

Luck has nothing to do with it


Access your roadmap to cost-effective strategies...

With the Profit Gold Audit,

you'll see exactly how much money

is coming IN to your business...

AND exactly how much is going out.

We’ll analyze your signature offer to determine if you are on track to hit your profit margin goal.

And create a sustainable business model

that optimizes your backend money systems without cutting expenses.

Make sure every dollar you spend...

Turns into more success to increase your profit.​​

Profit Gold Audits save online entrepreneurs thousands of dollars.

Our deep dive into YOUR "Pot of Gold," will help you understand

how to set prices that match your money goals....

And discover how much your business can grow

by looking at the Return on Investment (ROI) ​

Picture this...

Your signature offer is priced in a way that creates

long term wealth and consistent success...


You partner with money in a way that makes sense for YOU

and makes multiplying your money feel seamless...


Your business is organized and you know exactly where your money is flowing...

Your income and expenses are tailored to help you reach your goals.


You have a detailed report of your entire business plan

and a simple, step-by-step guide to self implement the suggestions

and realize your target profit margin.

✨ The Profit Gold Audit ✨

🍀 Uncover Hidden Money Treasures 🍀

The Profit Gold Audit has a magic wand...

(Not really, but it feels like it!)

That helps find secret ways for you to make even more money.

It's like discovering hidden treasures in your coaching business...

Things you might not have noticed before,

to make your money grow and grow! ​

🍀 Fix Money Leaks🍀

Just like a plumber fixes a leaky faucet...

The Profit Gold Audit helps you find

and patch up any money leaks.

These leaks are like tiny holes that might be stopping you from having all the money fun you deserve.

Once fixed, you'll be on your way to a super profitable coaching adventure!

🍀 Create Your Money Management Plan🍀

The Profit Gold Audit doesn't just stop at finding treasure and fixing leaks – it creates a special plan just for you!

This plan is like a treasure map guiding you to more money and even happier clients.

It's personalized, unique, and tailored to make your coaching business go zoom with success!

Ready to supercharge your signature offer?

Schedule Your Profit Gold Audit Today

For ONLY $997


✨ BONUS: Personalized Money Meditation✨

Align your mindset with your signature offer to create wealth with ease!

Schedule Your

Profit Gold Audit Today

For ONLY $997!


✨ BONUS: Personalized Money Meditation✨

Align your mindset with your signature offer to create wealth with ease!


What is a Profit Audit?

A profit audit is like a super close look at a business's money stuff!

The main job is to find ways to make more money. So, it checks everything about how the business handles its cash.

This includes looking at where the money comes from (like selling things), how much it spends (on stuff like bills and running the business), and how well everything is organized.

In simple words, it's like a money checkup for a business to see how it can make even more money by doing things better.

We look at everything from how the business gets money to how it spends it, all to help the business be even more successful!


A profit audit is like a super close look at a business's money stuff!

The main job is to find ways to make more money. So, it checks everything about how the business handles its cash.

This includes looking at where the money comes from (like selling things), how much it spends (on stuff like bills and running the business), and how well everything is organized.

In simple words, it's like a money checkup for a business to see how it can make even more money by doing things better.

We look at everything from how the business gets money to how it spends it, all to help the business be even more successful!


What are efficiency-based evaluation solutions?

Efficiency means doing something in the smartest and quickest way possible.

Like finding the shortcut to get your work done faster without losing quality.

Evaluation is like a detective job. It's when you look at something really closely to understand how well it's working.

For example, you might evaluate your new CRM to assure it’s working smoothly.

Solutions are like magic fixes. If you find something that's not working perfectly, you use a solution to make it better.

It's like having a spell to get all of your work done.


Efficiency means doing something in the smartest and quickest way possible.

Finding the shortcut to get your work done faster without losing quality.

Evaluation is like a detective job...

Looking at something really closely to understand how well it's working.

For example, you might evaluate your new CRM to assure it’s working smoothly.

Solutions are like magic fixes. If you find something that's not working perfectly, you use a solution to make it better.

It's like having a spell to get all of your work done.


How long will the audit take?

Our first meeting is scheduled for one hour.

During this time we will discuss your current business plan, review your signature offer, the number of hours you work to deliver it, and we will gather your operating expenses.​

The second meeting is 90 minutes.

During this time I will present you with a detailed report & simple action steps & answer all of your questions.


Our first meeting is scheduled for one hour.

During this time we will discuss your current business plan, review your signature offer, the number of hours you work to deliver it, and we will gather your operating expenses.​

The second meeting is 90 minutes.

During this time I will present you with a detailed report & simple action steps & answer all of your questions.


Will I need to cut back on my expenses?

Nope! We create ways to streamline your business so you do not need to

cut expenses.


Nope! We will work together to create ways to streamline your business...

so you do not need to cut expenses.


I just created my signature offer, should I wait to schedule an audit?

No! The best time to have a Profit Gold Audit is when you first create your signature offer.

I also recommend looking at it annually to assure it is aligned with your profit margin goals.


No! The best time to have a Profit Gold Audit is when you first create your signature offer. I also recommend looking at it annually to assure it is aligned with your profit margin goals.


What are the key components of a Profit Audit?

First we find where the money is coming from.

Where does your business get its money, then we figure out where it can get even more money.

Next, we look at how much it costs to run the business and find ways to save money without cutting back on expenses.

We also take a look at how the business works, finding spots where things get stuck and need fixing so we can make everything work more efficiently.

Finally we make a plan to increase income and outline the necessary steps to reach your profit margin.


First we find where the money is coming from. Where does your business get its money, then we figure out where it can get even more money.

Next, we look at how much it costs to run the business and find ways to save money without cutting back on expenses.

We also take a look at how the business works, finding spots where things get stuck and need fixing so we can make everything work more efficiently.

Finally we make a plan to increase income and outline the necessary steps to reach your profit margin.
